Although we aspire to offer these services in the future, they are not currently available.
Understanding the critical role that legal documents play in business operations, we plan to offer basic business documents, such as LLC Operating Agreements, Business Sales Contracts, and Leases and Rental Agreements, among other things, ensuring they align with Missouri’s legal standards and your business objectives.
Navigating the legal aspects of running a business can be complex. It would be best for everyone to retain their own business attorney to walk them through the legalities and prepare their legal documents. That would be expensive, and not always possible. We plan to make some of those basic legal documents more accessible, still prepared by a licensed Missouri attorney, for a more reasonable price.
405 N. High Street, California, MO 65018
P.O. Box 106053, Jefferson City, MO 65110
Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday by appointment only
The services offered on this website primarily anticipate people representing themselves. It is always a good idea to get a lawyer, and some people may start this process and decide they want a lawyer after all! For that matter, if you are a business, consider advertising with us! There are people browsing this website that may benefit from your services! This firm does not offer any guarantees associated with any other entities advertising on this website. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements.
Accountant Firm
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. This service provides legal documents but not ongoing representation and offers no guarantees relating to any court matter.
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