Who am I? Why am I doing this? Those are deep questions. The simple answer is that I’m Kim, and I care. I graduated law school in late 2011 in Arkansas, and I have been practicing law for twelve years in the State of Missouri. I started at the Public Defender’s Office, and then went into business for myself, doing a substantial amount of juvenile work. I have always had a public-interest component to my work.
I have worked with a lot of people who needed lawyers, but couldn’t afford lawyers, and I have observed a lot of people in court who desperately needed the assistance of a lawyer. I do respect the lawyers’ position here: They worked hard to get where they are, and most of them are good at what they do. People pay to get results, and that is how the lawyers make their income. It is how I make my income. But there is a component of our population that needs access to the justice system but can’t afford that lawyer, and sometimes their lives have become messy for lack of proper legal involvement. People move on from relationships without divorces; people forego custody plans, and the other parent snatches the children away, sometimes for years; debt collection cases see incredibly high interest rates; people drive for years without drivers licenses. Some people brave the waters and try to go to court on their own, but they lack the proper paperwork for the court to give them what they need, and the court cannot give legal advice.
I started this blog with a question: Who am I? I am a Christian, and I believe we have an obligation to care for one another. I’m not perfect, but I do try to make a difference. This is a business; this is how I care for my family financially. But I am also trying to offer something for the community. What I am trying to do here is at least offer the paperwork necessary for people to be able to go to court themselves and address those more routine issues, like an uncontested divorce, without the cost of actually retaining an attorney.
The Rules of Professional Conduct require that I advise you that it is in your best interest to hire a lawyer. This is absolutely true! It also is not always possible or practical. I’m offering you a cheaper alternative. This firm is not going to represent you in court. We cannot make any guarantees about what the outcome of your case will be. We will not be available for you to call for advice every day. We can give you the paperwork to file a proper case to pursue your needs in court. If that is helpful for you, please check out the services section of this website. I wish you the best of luck! God bless.
405 N. High Street, California, MO 65018
P.O. Box 106053, Jefferson City, MO 65110
Office Hours:
Monday - Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday by appointment only
The services offered on this website primarily anticipate people representing themselves. It is always a good idea to get a lawyer, and some people may start this process and decide they want a lawyer after all! For that matter, if you are a business, consider advertising with us! There are people browsing this website that may benefit from your services! This firm does not offer any guarantees associated with any other entities advertising on this website. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements.
Accountant Firm
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely on advertisements. This service provides legal documents but not ongoing representation and offers no guarantees relating to any court matter.
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